Hand tied bouquet
Standard From £25
Large From £40
Luxury From £55
Aqua packed bouquet (delivered in water and presentation box)
Standard From £35
Large From £50
Luxury From £65
Open Mixed colourful Letters/ Numbers great for Birthdays From £40 per letter
Baskets From £35
Gin glass arrangement - From £40 (Inc miniature bottle and chocs)
Wine glass arrangement From £40 ( Inc miniature bottle and chocs)
Mug arrangements From £20
Cupcake From £15
Flower envelope From £22.99
Picture frame
1.5 ft by 1ft From £90
2ft x 1.5ft From £180
Table Arrangements
Custom orders accepted please contact me for details
Hatbox arrangements
Standard From £30
Luxury From £38
Standard From £40
Luxury From £48
Standard From £50
Luxury From £70
As you are reading this please accept my heart felt condolences. I will try and help you in this small way at this difficult time.
Based Letters/words/numbers From £40 per letter
Available designs are as follows:
Players shirt From £120
Teacup and saucer From £125
Pint glass From £120
Wine glass From £120
Gates of Heaven From £130
Open Book From £130
Picture frames
1.5 ft by 1ft From £90
2ft x 1.5ft From £180
Spray arrangements
Spray arrangement from £35 (seasonal flowers) bespoke flower request may increase price )
Double ended spray arrangement from £40 (seasonal flowers) bespoke flower request may increase price )
Casket sprays Seasonal flowers ( colour of your choice) From £50 per ft
Lily casket spray From £60 per ft
Roses casket spray From £60 per ft
sizes available: 2ft 3ft 4ft 5ft
BasedCross (traditional white based flower with spray detailing in a colour of your choice)
2ft From £60
3ft From £75
4ft From £90
5ft From £115
Open Flower Cross (various flowers used throughout)
2ft From £80
3ft From £95
4ft From £110
5ft £130
Based Heart (traditional white based flower with spray detailing in a colour of your choice)
12inch From £45
15inch From £65
18inch From £80
20inch From £100
24 inch From £110
Open heart (heart with hole in middle)
18inch From £80
20inch From £100
24inch From £110
Open Heart (hole in mide various flowers)
18inch £100
20inch £120
24inch £160
Full heart (various flowers used throughout)
12 - From £60
15 - From £80
18 - From 105
20 - From 125
24 - From £160
Based White
12 inch From £50
16 inch From £65
20 inch From £80
24 inch From £95
Open Colourful
14 inch From £ 60
18 inch From £75
24 inch From £110
Bespoke funeral tributes welcome please contact me for a quote.
Based Heart (traditional white based flower with spray detailing in colour of your choice)
12inch From £45
15inch From £65
18inch From £80
20inch From £100
24 inch From £110
Open heart (heart with hole in middle)
18inch From £80
20inch From £95
24inch From £110
Full heart (various flowers used throughout)
12 - From £60
15 - From £80
18 - From £105
20 - From £125
24 - From £160
I offer a range of Natural and Artificial door Wreathes for a range of Occasions across the year.
Please contact me for individualised quotes.
All of my Wreathes can be Customised to meet your needs
Pricing will be updated closer to Halloween.
All Pricing is subject to change due to Supply cost, however it will be approximately within the range of my listings found to the right.
Based is using the Same type of flower through out (double chrysanthemum)
Open is an array of flowers using various flower types and colours.